Inhibition is the ability to inhibit or control impulsive (or automatic) responses, and create responses by using attention and reasoning. The Go/No-Go Task is a cognitive task that determines the ability of an individual to inhibit their response deemed inappropriate. What is inhibition? Inhibition or inhibitory control is the ability to inhibit or control impulsive (or automatic) responses, and create responses by using attention and reasoning. Controlled by the frontal lobe of the brain, this cognitive ability is one of our executive functions and contributes to anticipation, planning, and goal setting. Performance on these tasks is generally impaired following frontal lobe damage or disease.
Now, how can we train the inhibition response using the FITLIGHTS®? You can start with a simple, Go/No Go task, where the participants respond to certain stimuli (“go” stimuli) and make no response or reaction for others (“no-go” stimuli). The main dependent measure in go/no-go tasks is making a “go” response on “no-go” trials; fewer errors signify better response inhibition.
Dustin Poirier, a professional mixed martial artist, trains his inhibition response, by only responding to the green lights by a quick motion with his hand. but we program green light to be the "Go" Response and the red light to be the "No-Go" Response. If the user incorrectly responds to the red light, it is counted as a "miss" or error. This exercise is easily programmable in our App.
Inhibition is one of our most used cognitive functions. It is how the brain corrects a behavior. Training inhibition with FITLIGHT is just one of the many applications of the system for improving cognitive functions. The opportunities for the system are endless. Try out a FITLIGHT® today!